mandag den 7. november 2011

sketches from 'Et perfekt produkt'(work title)

I have just been working on these sketches and needed to share them. They are for a short film(if i get that far), that i am working on, on the side of our school work. These sketches will eventually become backgrounds, and as i planned for around 20 of them, i decided to do them at a rather small scale. I am trying different work-flows, tonight i tried to make black and white acrylic underpaintings to guide me when i am going to put on the colors in oil.

More painting

lørdag den 10. september 2011

Maya introduction

My bouncing ball assignment, i appoligize for any offensive associations:

And another 3D assigment with Pixars luxo lamp:

søndag den 7. august 2011

fredag den 17. juni 2011

4 Sekunders animation af Danny die Katze

Eksamens opgave for 2. semester.
En uge, 4 sekunder.

mandag den 16. maj 2011

Mere 5 sekunders animation

Introduktion til en film om en hjemløs der bygger en bro af skrald.
Baggunde af Mads Ahm
Animation og lyd af mig

mandag den 4. april 2011



A bit of unfinished dialogue acting

lørdag den 19. februar 2011

Bird cycle(updated)

I colored my bird cycle, but it just highlighted all the places i had been lazy during clean up.

here is it in 3 steps:

During introduction to After Effects we had to put the bird on top of a photo:

søndag den 13. februar 2011

2 unfinished assignments

Bird flying

Non dialogue acting with roger from 101 dalmatiens:

Brief reflection
I like my improvement, but i believe the outcome could have been much more finished if i kept re-organizing my drawings along with major changes in timing. In the beginning i did well planning and organizing wise, but after a few days i tried to skip steps again to speed up the process, gahh.

If i manage i'll finish the assignments during holiday.
I started painting again, which i'll hopefully get to post at

søndag den 6. februar 2011

1. semester exam

We got a 3 days test.
Make Danny(cats don't dance) jump over a hole.

However annoying the character looks, he was great fun push around. As a jump is a quite broad action i choosed to make it "gerade aus"! A few thumbnails positioning him in the given layout, and go.

The result was quite a fluent movement, but the character also shrinks and doesn't follow the perspective of the layout. Bummer.

Workflow (how it was):
Straight ahead
enhancing keys, breakdowns and inbetweens(Fail)

Workflow (how it should have been):
Thumbnails(fairly posed character)
Straight ahead
enhancing keys and breakdowns
Planning timing and spacing with help from the straight ahead
eat inbetweens
draw new clear inbetweens

Other assignments with Danny:
Danny as conductor